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Published: 10.05.23

Affirm Introduction: Part 1


Welcome to the Affirm section on Organimo’s website, a journey through the universe we have created to teach you the true powers of the mind and the benefits the mind has to your health. This introduction blog will help you better understand and use our Affirm section. In this post, we will discuss how your thoughts and feelings affect your health and how affirmations can help you become limitless.

To visit our Affirm section:

You Are Limitless:

Yes, you, you are limitless. To become limitless means to love yourself limitlessly. It means to give your body the nutrients it requires in a world where our foods lack vital nutrients. Taking sea Moss and bladderwrack is a great addition to helping you operate at a limitless potential. But, it’s not enough. What’s missing?

A coherent brain and a coherent heart:

The only way to achieve this is through your thoughts and feelings. No food, supplement, person, place, thing, or anything else but yourself can achieve this. Your brain signals the thoughts, and the heart receives the emotions from those thoughts. This is the most important part of becoming truly limitless.

The Science of Thoughts:

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla (8)

You think 60-70,000 thoughts a day. 80-90% of those thoughts are the same as the day before. Take a moment to remember what you thought of today. How many thoughts were the same as yesterday? Did any of those thoughts bring you stress? Were they all joyful thoughts? Did they make you think about the past? Many of us are not conscious and aware of our thoughts. The #1 addiction of our modern world is not our phones, but our own thoughts. Our thoughts determine our future.

The Power of Positive Thoughts:

Where you put your attention is where you put your energy, and your energy is your life force. The more energy we have to focus on our present moment, the more energy we send back to our body for healing and for elevating to new levels of consciousness. When we think thoughts with feelings received of negative emotions such as anger, fear, unworthiness, pain, suffering, guilt, shame, hostility, judgement, or envy, we are signalling all the neurological processes in our body to feel this emotion and signal all the biological processes in our body such as our gene expression. Our thoughts are the true disease of the body.

Cancel Negative Thoughts:

Give yourself permission to only think positive thoughts. The moment you think of a negative thought, say “CANCEL” out loud, to affirm the cancellation of this thought. Repetition creates practice and discipline with your mind control. Give yourself permission to begin to only have thoughts that make you feel gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness, love for life, joy for existence, and feeling these emotions independent from any condition in your external environment. So many people are conditioned into believing that they need a reason for gratitude, love, or joy to create these emotions inside them.

The Science of Coherence:

To understand why it is so important to be conscious of every thought you have, it is it’s important to understand the science of how the mind and body are intimately connected. Coherence means rhythm. Our bodies need a steady harmonic rhythm to properly function, such as a steady heartbeat to flow blood supply to our organs for vital health.

All sensory information of that your brain receives creates a bunch of neurons in the brain that start to organize themselves like patterns and networks from the information being received through the brain. This information communicates and travels across the body, as we are made entirely of nerves to communicate with all the biological processes that keep us alive and healthy.

Human Nervous Systems

The human nervous system has two types, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system activates the fight or flight response during stress, a threat or perceived danger. When you are under the gun of the fight or flight nervous system, the brain and body are knocked out of homeostasis because of stress.  Our organs and different parts of our bodies have their own individual little brains. When we are under stress, the different compartments of the brain begin to fire incoherently, sending a very incoherent message down the spinal cord to each individual little brain under the nervous system’s control.  All of a sudden, these individual brains begin to fire incoherently, and they begin to send an incoherent message to the associated organs and tissues in different parts of the body. This is what creates disease, and unhealthy events in our bodies. Everything is intimately connected.

The second nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system restores the body to a state of calm. It is responsible for relaxation, regeneration, metabolism and all the automatic processes of the body. It controls your heart rate, respiration, blood sugar levels, hormones, temperature and everything needed to run your body. You never need to think consciously to make your heart beat, your parasympathetic nervous system does this subconsciously.

We must shift from an incoherent brain and heart to a coherent brain and heart. This will signal our body with healing to become truly limitless. Now that you understand the science, how do we achieve more coherence? To achieve a coherent brain and heart, we must learn how to properly speak to ourselves.

Coherent Brain and Heart

To achieve a coherent brain and heart, we must reprogram our subconscious with only positive thoughts. Our conscious mind is responsible only for 5% of our thinking brain, while our subconscious is 95%.

When you try to change using the 5% of your conscious mind against the 95% of your subconscious mind, you can think positively all you want but that thought will never get past the brain stem and into the body because the thought is saying one thing consciously, while the subconscious has been conditioned into the past with what it has been told.

The brain thinks, but the heart knows. To program the subconscious, we must get past the analytical mind which separates the conscious and subconscious. Once we reprogram our subconscious with only positive thoughts, we start to resonate with harmonic brain coherence and heart coherence. We are no longer thinking in the past and giving our life force energy to thoughts that hold us back. We have more coherence and energy to heal ourselves, create our future and truly become limitless.

New Thoughts, Choices, Behaviours, and Experiences

New thoughts create new choices, and new choices create new behaviours. These behaviours lead to new experiences, which create new emotions, and these emotions inspire new thoughts that begin to change our biology. Our biology, neurocircuitry, neurochemistry, hormones, and even gene expression are equal to how we think, act, and feel.

Entering the Subconscious Mind

We start to see a significant change in our brain and heart with more coherence. Everything in our body changes. When you change, everything around you changes. Each thought we have creates a brainwave. The majority of our thoughts when we are conscious create beta or high beta brain waves.

To enter the subconscious mind, we must get past the analytical mind and lower our brainwaves to slower brainwave patterns, such as alpha, theta, and delta brainwave patterns. If we are not thinking consciously, we are entering the subconscious mind.


In Affirm Intro Part 2, we will dive deeper into the subconscious mind and how we can use affirmations to reprogram it. We will learn how to create affirmations that work and how to use them effectively. Join us for this exciting journey of self-discovery and personal growth.


Dispenza, J. (2019). Rewired: Understanding the Science of the Brain and Changing Your Mind [Online Course]. Gaia. Available from

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